Superior Shelving Systems

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Shelf Help

Tips on getting the most from your Superior Shelving units

  1. Never ever use the shelves as a ladder. This could cause the unit to tip over on you and possibly kill you. Also, the shelf clips could break, causing the shelf to bend and the shelf contents (and you) to end up on the ground, again possibly killing you. We cannot stress this enough!
  2. Place heavy items on lower shelves and lighter items towards the top. This will make your unit more stable. Placing heavier items on the upper shelves will make the unit top–heavy and prone to tip over, which as stated before, would not be a good thing.
  3. Also, put heavier items towards the side of a shelf instead of the middle to help prevent sagging. Some deflection is normal, especially with longer shelves, but placing heavier items in the center of shelves could create excessive bowing.
  4. Don't use chrome shelving in humid areas. Whether you live in an area with higher humidity, or you have a humid room such as a walk-in cooler, chrome will not stand up to the moisture. Use an epoxy coated shelving instead of chrome for high humidity areas. Besides, chrome is not warrantied against rust or corrosion.
  5. To help make units more stable, secure the posts along a wall using wall brackets. For units in the middle of a room, secure the tops of each row to form a grid so units cannot fall over. Even after doing this, do not use the shelves as a ladder. Again, the shelf clips could break, causing the shelf to bend and the shelf contents, and you, to end up on the ground.